Wonderlic Practice Test

Start preparing now for your Wonderlic Test! TestPrep-Online’s Wonderlic practice test pack will help you prepare for your Wonderlic Test. The Wonderlic tests verbal, quantitative, spatial, and logical ability. Different versions of the Wonderlic are used to select candidates for both college admissions and job placement purposes. Keep reading to learn more about the Wonderlic Test and how TestPrep-Online can help you on the path to college and career success.

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What Is the Wonderlic Test?

The Wonderlic is a test often used to assess candidates for academic and employment placement purposes. The Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) and the Wonderlic General Assessment of Instructional Needs (GAIN) are generally used for admissions purposes, while the Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (BST) is generally used for placement in entry-level positions. The various versions of the Wonderlic all test verbal, quantitative, logical, and spatial reasoning. The questions go from easiest to hardest, and the score is determined simply by how many questions are answered correctly. The test is timed. Most test-takers consider the Wonderlic a "fast" test in which there isn't enough time to fully think through each question. Since there is no penalty for guessing, it's still worthwhile to answer every question before time's up. Calculators are not permitted onn the Wonderlic test.

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Who Takes the Wonderlic Test?

The Wonderlic is used for two main purposes — job placement and admissions. Therefore, individuals looking for employment or to be accepted or placed into an academic program may be asked to take the Wonderlic test. TestPrep-Online’s primary focus is on the use of the Wonderlic for academic admissions purposes. Our sister website, JobTestPrep, sells other Wonderlic products that are commonly used to evaluate candidates who are seeking jobs. If you don't find the Wonderlic product you're looking for on our site, we invite you to take a look at JobTestPrep's Wonderlic products.

Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE)

The Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE) is used to evaluate one’s overall mental ability for admissions and placement purposes at academic institutions.

The SLE assesses one’s cognitive ability and is used to predict how quickly and efficiently a candidate can comprehend instructions, process new material, and cope with the mental demands of an academic program. The question has 50 questions and a time limit of 12 minutes. The test can be given either on paper or online.

Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (BST)

The Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST) is a short-form assessment of basic quantitative and verbal skills. There are separate math and verbal sections of the test, each of which have a time limit of twenty minutes.   It is generally used to assess candidates for entry-level positions, college admissions, and job training program admissions. The BST may also be used to assess a candidate’s eligibility for admission to academic or vocational programs. 

Wonderlic General Assessment of Instructional Needs (GAIN)

The Wonderlic General Assessment of Instructional Needs is used to evaluate the Educational Functioning Levels (EFL) of adults in both math and English skills. The GAIN is generally used when studying for a GED, enrolling in career colleges, entering an Adult Basic Education (ABE) program, or joining a Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program. The test focuses on English and math skills and has a time limit of ninety minutes.

Wonderlic Study Tips

The Wonderlic test is likely different from tests you've taken in school. Instead of testing academic achievement in a particular subject area, the Wonderlic tests general reasoning skills. While tests in school often do have time limits, there is usually enough time for most students to at least attempt to answer all of the questions. On the Wonderlic, it is very common for test-takers not to have time to fully work through all of the questions. In fact, most test-takers who receive average or above-average scores feel that they didn't have enough time.

The best way to study for the Wonderlic is to become familiar with the format of the test and the types of questions asked. That way, you can answer the easy questions faster and have more time for the harder questions. You can find out your strengths and weaknesses and focus your studying in areas that will most efficiently improve your score. Focus on the test overall. Don't let one particular question or type of question distract you from the big picture. Everyone who takes the Wonderlic has strengths and weaknesses, and just being aware of them can reduce anxiety. Most important of all, you will be able to arrive on test day knowing what to expect and approaching the test with confidence.

Prepare for the Wonderlic with TestPrep-Online

To help provide a structured preparation process, TestPrep-Online offers prep packs for both Wonderlic SLE and Wonderlic BST. Purchase the pack that's right for you, and get practice tests, sample questions, detailed explanations, and study guides. With an online format, our packs are made available to you anytime, anywhere. All you'll need is WiFi, a comfortable device, and a will to learn!