Start preparing for Raven CPM Test with TestPrep-Online’s free CPM sample questions! Our questions are designed to give you a quick, clear idea of your child’s strengths and weaknesses prior to the exam. Learn more about the test here, and start the practice exam now to know what to expect. Good luck!
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Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices, or CPM, is an online test that, though untimed, usually takes no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete. Often used by clinical and research psychologists and teachers, this test is primarily designed to gauge problem-solving skills for children ages 5 through 11, the elderly, and mentally impaired individuals.
The test consists of 36 items, and is divided into three sets, including A, Ab, and B, with each set containing 12 items. As the name of the test suggests, unlike Raven’s other progressive matrix exams, the items of this test are presented primarily in colour in order to provide visual stimulus for the test-takers.
The very last few questions of the test, located in section B, are presented in black and white, in order to accommodate test-takers who demonstrate an exceptionally high ability. Test-takers who successfully manage to complete the black and white section of the test automatically continue to sections C, D, and E.
Tests such as the CPM, which require little verbal skill and plenty of problem-solving skill, can often be tricky to prepare for. However, there are a few tricks you can use to help your test-taker prepare for the exam as much as possible.
While TestPrep-Online does not yet have a Raven Colored Progressive Matrices Test Practice Pack, we can recommend any one of our Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) packs. The NNAT contains sections called pattern completion and reasoning by analogy. Both these sections are highly similar to Raven’s CPM, and can help your child feel at ease with the format and content of the exam. Another similarity between the tests is that both Raven's CPM and NNAT are developed by the Pearson Assessments company. Each of our online NNAT packs contain hundreds of questions to work through, three full-length practice tests.
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