Ace the CogAT Screening Form!

TestPrep-Online is here to help you prepare for the CogAT Screening Form. Use our specially formulated CogAT 7 Screening Form Practice Packs to prepare.


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Can't find the CogAT Screening Form grade you need? Prepare with our full CogAT 7 Premium Packs. Our full CogAT Premium Packs encompass every section to be expected on the CogAT Screening Form, and offer sample questions, practice tests, and detailed explanations to help you practice. All our packs are entirely online, which means that you can access them anytime, anywhere.

What Is the CogAT Screening Form?

The CogAT Screening Form is a quick-fix option for determining eligibility for gifted and talented programs. The test takes only 30 minutes to complete. Though the CogAT Screening Form cannot predict future achievement, it can be used as a reliable psychometric assessment of a student’s academic abilities.

The test itself is a minimized version of the complete CogAT Form 7, containing only the analogies section of each battery, including picture/verbal analogies, number analogies, and figure matrices. To help you prepare, TestPrep-Online offers a variety of CogAT practice packs, all containing questions relevant to every section of the test. 

Why Use the CogAT Screening Form?

For many educators, the CogAT Screening Form is incredibly convenient, as it offers a quality appraisal without consuming too much time, which allows the test to be administered to a larger quantity of students. Furthermore, it is an excellent way to spot gifted English Learner students or students who struggle with reading. These students may produce a score that in reality does not accurately reflect their abilities. The CogAT Screening Form is a way to stop this from happening.

CogAT Screening Form Sample Questions & Explanations

TestPrep-Online offers several sample questions and study guides to help your child become more familiar with the test content.

Below, you'll find a brief description of each section of the CogAT Screening Form, as well as examples of typical questions that may appear in our practice packs, and, of course, in the test itself.

CogAT Screening Form Picture/Verbal Analogies

Both the verbal and the picture portions of this section measures the student’s reasoning skills. In the verbal section, students are provided with two or three words that are somehow related. Their task is to choose the option that most corresponds to the theme of the other words. For instance, if two words act as antonyms for one another, the student must choose the option that acts as an antonym for the next word.

In the picture portion of this section, the same type of reasoning is required, but through images. A student is shown a series of images, and must choose the most appropriate one to correspond to the theme from the options given. The goal of this portion of the test is to measure a child’s reasoning skills.

CogAT Screening Form Picture Analogies Sample Question

On our practice tests and on the actual test, the student listens to an audio recording with instructions similar to the following:

The two pictures on the top go together in a certain way. Choose the picture that goes with the bottom picture in the same way the pictures on top go together. 

1. cogat-screening-form1 2. cogat-screening-form2 3.cogat-screening-form3 4.cogat-screening-form4

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is 4.

Photographs are taken with cameras as pies are baked in ovens.

In order to maximize the preparation process for the Picture/Verbal Analogies portion of this test, we recommend practicing with the Verbal Battery section in our CogAT packs, at the level appropriate for your child.

CogAT Screening Form Number Analogies

Here, students are tested on their recognition of mathematical patterns. For the younger grades, students are given a pair of pictures connected to each other through some sort of mathematical rule. Their task is to recognize this rule and apply it to the next pair of images by choosing the correct option.

For the higher-level tests, students are given two pairs of numbers rather than images. Students must recognize the relationship between each pair of numbers, and apply it to the next pair of numbers, by choosing the right option.

CogAT Screening Form Number Analogies Sample Question

The following question is an example of number analogies questions that students are required to tackle in the CogAT Screening Form.

1. cogat-screening-number-analogy-question-2 2. cogat-screening-number-analogy-question-3 3. cogat-screening-number-analogy-question-3 4. cogat-screening-number-analogy-question-5

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is the 2nd choice.

Look at the top row, in the left frame we have 5 plastic balls and in the right frame we have 2 balls. (2 is less than 5 by 3 [5 – 3 = 2]).

In the bottom row we should have the same relationship. Since in the left frame we have 5 flowers, in the right frame we should have 2 flowers (which is 3 fewer flowers [5 – 3 = 2]).

Therefore, the answer choice with 2 flowers is the correct answer.

To properly prepare for the Number Analogies portion of this test, we suggest the Quantitative Battery section in our CogAT packs. Choose the level that's right for your child!

CogAT Screening Form Figure Matrices

The questions in this section are presented as two by two matrixes with three cells containing either figures or shapes, and the fourth one being empty. A student should analyze the top two cells, recognize the pattern between them, and fill the final cell with the option that reflects the same pattern with the third cell.

CogAT Screening Form Figure Matrices Sample Question

On our practice tests and on the actual test, the student listens to an audio recording with instructions similar to the following:

The two pictures on the top go together in a certain way. Choose the picture that goes with the bottom picture in the same way the pictures on top go together.
1.  2.  3. 4.cogat-screening-figure-matrices-question-5

Answer and Explanation:

The correct answer is 2.

Look at the top row. The figure on the right is a mirror image of the figure on the left. The figures in the bottom row will follow the same pattern. The answer choice will be the mirror image of the figure on the left.

To get the most out of your preparation process for the Number Analogies portion of this test, try the Nonverbal Battery section in our CogAT packs, at the level that's right for your child.

CogAT Screening Form Practice & Preparation Tips

  • Incorporate studying into fun activities. For younger children, it is not always easy to sit still and study. Avoid this barrier by making CogAT Screening Form preparation a part of something fun. Present patterns in creative and fun ways, and see if your child can spot them: Bake a cake and ask if your child can point out the similarities between the cooking utensils; draw together, and challenge your child to make a consistent pattern. Whatever activity you choose, make sure it’s one your child enjoys!
  • Practice with sample questions. By using sample questions, you are getting your child used to the format of the test. Helping your child feel comfortable with the testing material is extremely important. The trick is familiarization. To make your child feel fully comfortable and confident with the testing content, TestPrep-Online offers several sample tests and hundreds of section-specific sample questions to practice with.
  • Keep your child well-fed and well-rested. A healthy body is a healthy mind. Your child is still growing and needs enough fuel not only to study, but to continue developing. Make sure your child does not burn out before the test even starts. 

Get Ready for the CogAT Screening Form!

To help your child prepare for the CogAT Screen Form test, TestPrep-Online offers you hundreds of sample tests and sample questions to work with, as well as detailed explanations for each section. The analogies portion of each section always appear first in every battery. 

With our CogAT practice pack's online availability, you will be able to practice with whatever device is most convenient for you, including smartphone, desktop, tablet, and other devices with WIFI access. Purchase our CogAT Screening Form Practice Pack today.