SCAT Advanced (6th-8th Grade) Test Practice & Guidance (2025)

The SCAT Advanced Test is the final and most challenging version of the SCAT. Consequentially, it's also your 6th-8th grader's last chance to boost their academic standing with the SCAT. Keep reading to learn about:

  • Content & format
  • Purpose & use
  • Prepping methods & resources

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General SCAT Info

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About the Advanced 6th-8th Grade SCAT

The SCAT is a test administered by the Johns Hopkins Center in order to determine qualification for its CTY Programs. Students in 6th-8th grade take the Advanced SCAT. The test-taker’s results are then compared to average 9th to 12th grade level scores.

High SCAT scores at the advanced level can be used to apply to John Hopkins’ Talented Youth Programs after completion of 7th grade, since it is not necessary to take the same SCAT exam every year.

Why Take the Advanced SCAT?

Scoring well on the Advanced SCAT can mean not only admission to John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Programs, but also solid proof of your child’s academic strengths and abilities. Concrete evidence such as this can help pave the way to a gifted and talented program or a successful high school and even college experience.

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Whatever the results on the test end up being, the score reports you receive after your child takes the SCAT can give you a far better understanding of where his or her academic strengths and weaknesses lie.

Advanced SCAT Test Format & Content

The Advanced SCAT is a computerized test that consists of 55 multiple-choice questions on a 9th-12th grade level. The students receive 22 minutes for each portion of the test, with a 10-minute break in between.

There are two sections on the test, including quantitative and verbal. The verbal section is based on verbal analogies, while the quantitative section is based on mathematical comparisons.

Read more about test registration on our SCAT Registration FAQ page.

SCAT Quantitative Sample Question- Advanced Level

Which column is bigger?






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The correct answer is (D).

To solve this question we need to know the range and the median of the set of data. A range of a set is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value. The median is the number that is halfway into the set. In column A, if m < 75, find the range. If m = 70, then the lowest number in the set is 60, the highest number in the set is 100 and the range is 100 – 60 = 40. If m = 0, then the lowest number in the set is 0, the highest is 100 and the range is 100 – 0 = 100. In column B, if m = 60, there is no need to calculate the median because we know that the median is somewhere between 60 and 100 (the lowest and the highest values). Thus, if m = 70 in column A, then column B is larger than column A. But if m = 0 in column A, then column A is larger than column B. Therefore, there is not enough information and the correct answer is D.

SCAT Verbal Sample Question- Advanced Level

dubious : suspicion ::





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The correct answer is (A) entertaining : amusement.

Dubious is causing suspicion like entertaining is causing amusement. Grueling : ease is incorrect because grueling is causing exhaustion and not ease. Anxious : comfort is incorrect because being anxious is having distress and not comfort. Hilarious : comical is incorrect because hilarious and comical are synonyms.

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Eight Tips for Preparing for the Advanced SCAT

Why prepare for the SCAT Advanced Test? Preparing for the test can give your child a significant leg-up on the actual day of the test. By helping your child know what to expect, you are decreasing the likelihood of testing anxiety and lack of confidence. Here are eight tips to help ease your advanced SCAT prepping process:

  • Create a reliable studying schedule. When preparing for the SCAT, or any test, it is important to set reasonable goals. Your child can only handle so much new information, as is natural. Therefore, make sure to create small and attainable goals for every day. This can include covering a subsection of the test, working through ten questions together, or setting a goal of an hour a day. Try TestPrep-Online’s SCAT practice packs, which offer hundreds of questions to work through, as well as both timed and untimed modes.
  • Add variety to your preparation. Variety helps the brain stay focused. Therefore, mix up your studying both in terms of where you choose to study and what you choose to study. Switch regularly from verbal questions to math questions. Hard to stay focused at your desk? No problem! Switch your location to the local library, or even a nice quiet café.
  • Find out what type of learner your student is. There are several sorts, including verbal, auditory, kinesthetic and visual. Before structuring your study plan, perhaps take a quiz to find out which.
  • Take breaks. Breaks are a great way to make sure your child has time to refresh his or her brain and process the information more properly. By allowing and incorporating breaks, your child will have a chance to learn more- both in quality and quantity.
  • Don't forget about nutrition. Staying properly fueled is essential for optimizing your child’s mental performance. Opt for nuts, fish high in omega-3, and fruits and veggies. Avoid processed foods, and sugary treats: The energy in these are quick to come, but also quick to go.
  • Don’t forget about sleep. Nutrition is not the only fuel your child needs to operate properly- remember to make sure your child gets the right amount of sleep.
  • Add rewards. Sure, studying is always rewarding at the end. But it can be hard to see the end goal sometimes- especially when it’s far away. In the meantime, try making studying more fun, and more satisfying by adding small prizes throughout your studying process.
  • Use SCAT Advanced practice tests. Using practice tests is a great way to reduce anxiety on the day of the actual test. By supplying practice tests during your prepping time, your child will become more accustomed to the testing format, and will therefore not be taken aback by the actual exam questions when s/he sees them.

Learn more about Elementary and Intermediate SCAT testing.

Free SCAT Advanced PDF Practice

View and download a free TestPrep-Online SCAT Advanced Sample Test. This is a printable practice test with various questions and intricate explanations. This would be an excellent starting point for success towards the upcoming SCAT Advanced test.

SCAT Advanced Sample Test PDF

SCAT Advanced: Practice Tests for 6th-8th Grade

To succeed on the Advanced SCAT Test, it is important for your child to be properly prepared. To help your 6th-8th grader’s preparation process, TestPrep-Online offers its Advanced SCAT Test Preparation Packs. All of TestPrep-Online’s SCAT practice material is designed to simulate testing conditions as much as possible, while still offering user-friendly practicing material, and an opportunity to study online at a pace that best suits your child’s needs.