FSA FAQs: Information on Scores, and Standards for FSA and NGSSS Assessments

When is your child’s next exam? What are the scores your child needs to achieve? What are the standards you must be aware of? Read on to find out about release dates for FSA scores, as well as upcoming FSA and NGSSS assessments, and FSA achievement levels.

Please note: We currently do not provide specific FSA preparation. However, you might find our MAP Packs helpful as the Math and Reading sections on the MAP are almost identical to those on the FSA.

What Are the FSA Achievement Levels?

Student scores for all Florida Standards Assessments are grouped into five different attainment levels.

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Highly likely to need substantial support for the next grade
Below Satisfactory:
Likely to need substantial support for the next grade
May need additional support for the next grade
Likely to excel in the next grade
Highly likely to excel in the next grade

FSA ELA Reading and Writing Scores

The pass grade for FSA ELA assessments is the lowest grade ranked in Level 3.

GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Grade 3240–284285–299300–314315–329330–360
Grade 4251–296297–310311–324325–339340–372
Grade 5257–303304–320321–335336–351352–385
Grade 6259–308309–325326–338339–355356–391
Grade 7267–317318–332333–345346–359360–397
Grade 8274–321322–336337–351352–365366–403
Grade 9276–327328–342343–354355–369370–407
Grade 10284–333334–349350–361362–377378–412

FSA Math Scores

The pass grade for FSA Math assessments is the lowest grade ranked in Level 3.

GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Grade 3240–284285–296297–310311-326327–360
Grade 4251–298299–309310–324325–339340–376
Grade 5256–305306–319320–333334–349350–388
Grade 6260–309310–324325–338339–355356–390
Grade 7269–315316–329330–345346–359360–391
Grade 8273–321322–336337–352353–364365–393

NGSSS Science Assessment Scores

The pass grade for NGSSS SSA Science assessments is the lowest grade ranked in Level 3.

GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Grade 5140–184185–199200–214215-224225-260
Grade 5140–184185–199200–214215-224225-260

FSA End–of–Course (EOC) Scores

The pass grade for FSA EOC assessments is the lowest grade ranked in Level 3.

AssessmentLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
FSA EOC Algebra 1425–486487–496497–517518–531532–575
FSA EOC Algebra 2425–496497–510511–528529–536537–575
FSA EOC Geometry425–485486–498499–520521–532533–575

NGSSS End–of–Course (EOC) Scores

The pass grade for FSA Math assessments is the lowest grade ranked in Level 3.

AssessmentLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
NGSSS EOC Biology 1325–368369–394395–420421–430431–475
U.S. History

NGSSS EOC Algebra 1 Retake Scores

AssessmentLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
Algebra 1 Retake

FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake Scores

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Grade 10 188–227 228–244 245–255 256–270 271–302

What Are Florida’s National and International Assessments?

Aside from the FSA and NGSSS assessments, Florida also offers a range of national and international assessments:

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

Students must take this nationwide achievement and progress measurement test. State participation is mandatory, and each school arranges tests as per the federal requirement. Students in 4th, 8th and 12th grade should expect tests across a variety of subjects. Speak to your child’s school for more information. 

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)

Students must take this test which is administered every three years. Results from 60 countries are compared to identify knowledge and skill trends. Tests focus on different subjects each year, with Science being the focus in 2015 and Reading being the focus of the 2021 tests, for example. The test is approximately 120 minutes long.

Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)

Students must take this test which is administered every five years. Results from 55 education systems, including others from the US, are compared to analyze reading literacy standards. PIRLS 2016 was the fourth administration of the test. The next test will be administered in 2021.

Students in fourth and eighth grade take these assessments, once every four years. The results of these tests are compared internationally.

Your child may be expected to participate in one or more of the above tests, on top of his or her FSA and NGSSS assessments. Speak with your child's school to find out more information about each of these tests.

FSA Sample Practice Tests

If your child is due to take an FSA or NGSSS assessment, TestPrep–Online can help. We are a leader in e-learning services, helping students prepare for and pass their academic exams. Our practice packs include practice tests and practice questions, detailed answers and explanations, study guides, and score reports. We currently do not have an FSA practice pack, but we do offer preparation for the NWEA MAP test. The Mathematics and Reading sections on the MAP test are quite similar to the respective sections that appear on the FSA, and can definitely help in practicing the required material. You are invited to take a look at our MAP preparation page and choose the grade you need.