Free NNAT Practice: Level D Sample Test (3rd and 4th Grades)

Try our free, ten-question NNAT Level D Diagnostic Test. This diagnostic test can be taken online and is specifically designed to help you figure out where your 3rd-4th grader's abilities lie, and how to decide on your child's study plan for their upcoming NNAT level D.

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Here are examples of the question types found on the NNAT Level D (3-4th Grades):

Level D (3rd-4th Grades)

  • Pattern Completion: Further increased complexity in patterns.
  • Reasoning by Analogy: More advanced than previous levels.
  • Serial Reasoning: More complex sequences are presented.
  • Spatial Visualization: Continues with more challenging tasks requiring mental manipulation of objects.

Level D maintains all four question types, providing a comprehensive assessment of nonverbal reasoning skills for students in third and fourth grades

Sample NNAT Pattern Completion Questions Level D

Pattern Completion

Choose the shape that matches the pattern of the given matrix

Nnat D Patteren Completion Question






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The correct answer is D.

Nnat D Patteren Completion Answer

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Sample NNAT Spatial Reasoning Questions Level D

Spatial Reasoning

Observe the matrix and try to figure out a relation between the boxes in the top row. Match the box in the bottom row with one of the boxes in the answer choice so they share the same relation.

Nnatd Spatial Reasoning 1






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The correct answer is D.

In the top row the figures in the left and center frames combine to make the figure in the right frame. The same idea applies to the bottom row.

Combine the bottom-left and bottom-center frames. In order to solve the question, you will need to realize that the white parts of the frames are transparent. Therefore, the correct answer will include a yellow diamond in a blue background. Notice that answer choice 5 is incorrect since the size of the diamond is inconsistent with the size of the diamond in the first two frames.

We are left with answer choice D as the correct answer.

Sample NNAT Serial Reasoning Questions Level D

Serial Reasoning

Look for a relationship between the figures across the rows and down the columns. The direction in which you examine the question should depend on where you can most easily visualize the analogous relationship.

Nnatd Serial Reasoning 1






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The correct answer is B.

Down every column, the front rectangle is always the same color. In the left column, it is always blue. In the middle column, it is always yellow. And in the right column, it is always white. The missing frame is in the right column; therefore, it should contain a white rectangle in the front.

We can eliminate answer choices 1, 3, and 5 because they do not contain a white rectangle in the front. Additionally, across each row, the back rectangle is always the same color. In the top row, it is always blue. In the middle row, it is always white.

And in the bottom row, it is always yellow. The missing frame is in the bottom row; therefore, it should contain a yellow rectangle in the back. We can further eliminate answer choice 4 because it does not have a yellow rectangle in the back. We are left with answer choice 2, which is the correct answer.


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