Bella Vista Elementary School, Oakland Test Prep

Prepare your child for CogAT testing at Bella Vista Elementary School, Oakland. Get access to CogAT practice tests, CogAT practice questions, and gifted and talented testing information. Help your child succeed at school today!

Bella Vista Elementary School

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  • 500+ total questions, comprised of:
    • Two full-length CogAT practice tests: simulate the actual test
    • Three nonverbal CogAT drills: one figure matrices drill, one figure classification drill, and one paper-folding drill
    • Three quantitative CogAT drills: one number analogies drill, one number series drill, and one number puzzles drill
    • Three verbal CogAT drills: one verbal analogies drill, one verbal classification drill, and one sentence completion drill
    • Two challenge CogAT drills: contain super-hard questions from all CogAT sections
  • 427 additional Math Enrichment questions in various topics (computation, sequences, word problems etc.)
  • Thorough explanations for all questions
  • Study guide with helpful solving tips, covering all CogAT topics
  • Score reports to track your child's progress

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About Bella Vista Elementary School, Oakland

Bella Vista Elementary School is located in Oakland, California. The school serves nearly 500 students in Kindergarten through to fifth grade. This school is a public school and is part of the Oakland Unified School District. Are you preparing your child for an upcoming CogAT test at Bella Vista Elementary School? Keep reading to discover more about the preparation options available for your child.

About the Oakland Unified School District

Bella Vista Elementary School is one of 53 Elementary Schools in the Oakland Unified School District. The district contains a total of 86 schools, including one additional TK-5 school. The Oakland Unified School District runs a Gifted and Talented/High Potential Education program to identify individuals with unique talents and provide a special education service. Identification of students suitable for the gifted and talented program begins in 3rd grade. The District uses either the California Standardized Test scores, known as CST scores, the RAVENS test, or both tests to identify gifted and talented students. The RAVENS test is a nonverbal patterning test. Students can be referred for gifted and talented testing by teachers, parents, or through the GATE office. Students who have demonstrated two consecutive years of high scores on the CST may automatically qualify for the gifted and talented program without requiring additional testing. Once a student is identified, each school runs its own unique program to serve the GATE/High Potential students during the normal school day. TestPrep-Online recommends all parents confirm test dates at Bella Vista Elementary School with the school or district GATE office.

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With this membership, you will be able to create up to six separate practice accounts. This way, you can give each student an account of their own in which they can practice independently for their upcoming exam.

GATE Testing at Bella Vista Elementary School

Increase your child's chances of securing a place on his or her GATE program at Bella Vista Elementary School. You can help your child prepare with practice tests at home. Our comprehensive GATE resources offer hundreds of practice questions for a variety of topics and grades. Choose from our most popular gifted and talented practice tests below.

If you can't find what you are looking for, or would like specific advice for your child's needs, simply contact us here. Or, start out with a popular practice pack like the CogAT for 2nd grade .

2nd Grade CogAT Prep for GATE Practice

If you are thinking about preparing your child for upcoming gifted and talented program admissions, you can use practice tests for gifted and talented assessments like the CogAT to help your child prepare. CogAT stands for Cognitive Abilities Test . The CogAT is an aptitude test commonly used to determine a child's eligibility to gifted and talented programs. Students in the second grade typically take the CogAT Form 7 , which is the CogAT Level 8. The test provides 154 questions across three batteries: the Verbal Battery, the Quantitative Battery, and the Nonverbal Battery. These batteries include a selection of images and figures that children have to 'solve'. An instructor will read aloud instructions for all the batteries, and students will be required to choose an answer, either from a selection of images, or figures. The questions are designed to test children's skillset of verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative skills. Whichever gifted and talented test your child is preparing to take, test preparation can help. Specialised gifted and talented preparation can help your child experience new, occasionally stressful, and sometimes difficult testing experiences in a familiar and non-pressurised environment. Your child can begin preparing with hundreds of CogAT practice questions now, provided by TestPrep-Online.

Math Testing at Bella Vista Elementary School

Ensuring your child has good mathematical reasoning and problem solving skills from a young age is crucial to your child's performance at school. Our best-selling math enrichment pack for 3rd grade overs over 400 math problem questions, along with answer explanations and solving tips. We are currently developing math enrichment packs for more grades. If you would like extra practice material for a specific grade or topic, contact us here , and let us know what you need.

English Testing at Bella Vista Elementary School

Help your child improve his or her grammar, spelling, or sentence skills with TestPrep-Online's practice packs. If your child needs to practice the rules of English, or could benefit from reading question practice, or is simply preparing for an upcoming test, we can help. Contact us here , and give us as much information about the test or the practice your child needs. Don't forget to tell us the grade and topics too! We will work to find the right test prep pack for your child.

Start Preparing with TestPrep-Online

TestPrep-Online offers a wide variety of comprehensive gifted and talented practice packs, as well as school admissions, and, end of year testing prep. You can learn more about any of the following tests by clicking the links below to visit our test pages.