Free CogAT Test Prep Grade 5- Sample Questions

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CogAT 5th Grade Format

The CogAT 5th grade is a test divided into three categories called batteries. The three batteries of the CogAT are the Verbal Battery, Non verbal Battery, and Quantitative Battery. Each of these batteries has three sub-tests.

The sample questions below feature one question from each battery. It is important to solve all the questions in our practice pack to be prepared for all the possible formats of questions in the CogAT.

CogAT 5th Grade Test Non-Verbal Battery

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Figure Matrices

Choose the picture that belongs with the bottom picture in the same way the pictures on top belong together.






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The correct answer is choice 5.  

Let's solve this puzzle 

First, let's understand what happens in the top row:

Look at each square carefully

  • The black square stays black  
  • The white square turns grey  
  • The grey square turns white  

Now, for the bottom puzzle:

Start with the first square pattern
Apply our rules to each square
Look for the answer that matches these rules

Test your answer:

  • Black square in the bottom left? It should stay black ✓
  • White squares? They should turn grey ✓
  • Grey square? It should turn white ✓
  • This is why answer #5 is correct - it follows our rule perfectly!

Fun fact: This type of puzzle helps develop pattern recognition skills, which are super useful in math, science, and even in everyday life, like spotting patterns in weather or nature

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CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Paper Folding

Choose the answer choice that shows the final product of the unfolded punched-in paper.






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Step 1: The Folding Adventure 

First fold: Imagine drawing a line from top-right to bottom-left corner, and folding along it
Second fold: Draw another line from top-left to bottom-right corner, and fold again
Cool fact: After these folds, your paper has 4 layers

Step 2: The Hole Punch Mystery 

Two holes were punched through all 4 layers
Math magic: 2 holes × 4 layers = 8 holes total when unfolded
The holes will make a pattern like a mirror reflection across both diagonal lines

How to Find the Right Answer:

Count the holes - we need exactly 8 ✓
Check if they make a perfect mirror pattern ✓
Make sure the holes are the right distance from the center ✓

Answer choices 1, 4 and 5 have fewer than eight holes, so they can be eliminated. 

If you look closely at answer choice 2, you can see that although it has the right number of holes, they are in the wrong places: the holes are located closer to the edges of the paper than in the image above.

That's why answer #3 is perfect - it has:

The right number of holes (8)
A beautiful mirror pattern
Holes in just the right spots

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Figure Classification

Choose the figure from the answer choices that goes with the first three figures.






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The correct answer is 1.  
In this question, we can see that: 

Each figure has exactly 3 shapes
The special ingredients in each are:

  • A circle   ⭕
  • A square   ⬜
  • A diamond/rhombus ◇

Super important rule: Each shape uses a different style:

  • Plain white  
  • Solid blue  
  • Blue stripes 

Why the Others Don't Work:

Answer 2: Has a pentagon (5 sides) 
Answer 3: Has a heart -  
Answer 4 & 5: These use the same style twice - that breaks our rule!

Therefore, the 1st choice is the correct answer. 

CogAT 5th Grade Test Quantitative Battery

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Number Analogies

[18 → 6]       [21 → 7]       [30 → ?] 

Choose the number that completes the third pair so that it demonstrates the same relationship as the first two pairs.






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The correct answer is choice 2-10.  

Look at the numbers in the first pair and try to find the rule they follow.  

How do we get from 18 to 6?  

We see that if we divide the first number by 3, we get the second number: 

18 ÷ 3 = 6.  

Does this rule work for the second pair, as well?  

When we divide 21 by 3, we get 7:    

21 ÷ 3 = 7.  

The rule "divide the first number by 3 to get the second" works in both pairs, so in the next pair we should also divide by 3:    

30 ÷ 3 = 10.  

Therefore, 10 is the correct answer.

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Number Series

2     4     6     4    8     12     8     ? 

What number comes next in the series?






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The correct answer is answer choice 2-16.  

In this series, the pattern is as follows: the first three numbers are the first three multiples of two— 

2, 4, 6 

The second three numbers are the first three multiples of 4 (which is double two.) This means each number is double the previous sequence— 

4, 8, 12  

Therefore, the final set would be the first three multiplies of 8 (which is double four.) This means each number is double the previous sequence— 

8, 16, 24 

You have the first number, which is eight. Therefore, the missing number should be 2 x 8 = 16. 

Therefore, 16 is the correct answer.

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Number Puzzles

2 × 6 =  ?  + 7 






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Method 1: Solving for the Missing Number

  1. Isolate the missing number: We want to isolate the "?" on one side of the equation. To do this, we need to get rid of the "+ 7" on the right side. We can do this by subtracting 7 from both sides of the equation.

    2 x 6 - 7 = ? + 7 - 7
  2. Simplify:

    • Calculate the left side: 2 x 6 = 12, then 12 - 7 = 5.
    • The right side simplifies to just "?".

    So, the equation becomes:

    5 = ?

Therefore, the missing number is 5.

Method 2: Working Backwards

  1. Calculate the known side: First, calculate the value of the side where we have all the numbers: 2 x 6 = 12.

  2. Find the missing number: Now, we know that 12 equals something plus 7. To find the missing number, we can subtract 7 from 12: 12 - 7 = 5.

So, again, the missing number is 5.

Therefore, the correct answer is 5.

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CogAT 5th Grade Test Verbal Battery

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Verbal Analogies

Pigeon → fly : horse →   

The words in the first pair are related in a certain way. Choose the word that completes the second pair so that the words are related in the same way.






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The question is asking us to find a word that relates to a horse in the same way that "fly" relates to a pigeon.

  • "Fly" is how a pigeon moves.
  • So, we need to find a word that describes how a horse moves.

Let's look at the options:

  • "Neigh" is a sound a horse makes, not how it moves.
  • "Hoof" is a part of a horse's body, not how it moves.
  • "Bee" is a different animal, so it doesn't fit.
  • "Ride" is something we do with a horse, not how the horse itself moves.

That leaves us with "gallop". Galloping is a way a horse moves.

Therefore, the correct answer is "gallop".

CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Verbal Classification

ambulance   fire-engine   snowplow 

Choose the word that belongs in the same group as the first three words. 






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The correct answer is tow truck. 

The question asks you to find a word that belongs in the same group as "ambulance," "fire engine," and "snowplow."

Let's analyze the given options:

  • Ferryboat: This is a water vehicle, not a land vehicle. So, it doesn't fit.
  • Bus: This is a land vehicle, but it's primarily used for public transportation, not for emergency services.
  • Helicopter: This is an air vehicle, not a land vehicle.
  • Tow truck: This is a land vehicle used for emergency services, like towing cars that have broken down.
  • Scooter: This is a small, personal vehicle, not typically used for emergency services.

Therefore, the correct answer is "tow truck".

All four words - "ambulance," "fire engine," "snowplow," and "tow truck" - are land vehicles used for emergency services.


CogAT 5th Grade Practice Question - Sentence Completion

To _______ an article, we must first understand the ________ of it.

Choose the words that best complete the sentence.






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The correct answer is summarize .. gist.

Let's analyze each pair of words:

  • Read, essence: This doesn't make sense because you can't "understand the essence" before you've read the article.
  • Summarize, gist: This is the correct answer. To summarize means to briefly state the main points, and the gist is the main point or idea. So, before summarizing an article, you need to understand its main point.
  • Verbose, meaning: Verbose means using more words than necessary. This doesn't fit the context.
  • Meaning, explain: This could work, but it's not the best fit. You can explain an article after understanding its meaning, but it's not a necessary first step.
  • Review, articulate: Review means to examine something carefully, and articulate means to express clearly. While these words are related, they don't fit the context of the sentence.

Therefore, the correct answer is "summarize...gist".

Free CogAT 5th Grade Practice Test PDF

View and download a free 5th Grade CogAT Sample Test. This is a printable test that cover all the questions types found in the CogAT test grade 5 and contains detailed explanations. This would be an excellent starting point towards your child's upcoming CogAT 5th grade exam .

CogAT 5th grade practice test pdf

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