Free NYC Gifted and Talented Pre-K-Kindergarten Sample Test (Level A)

Looking to better understand your child’s current academic abilities? Try our free Pre-K and kindergarten NYC Gifted and Talented diagnostic test. Our diagnostic test is easy to use, quick to complete, and comes with detailed explanations for each question and answer.

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Guide To Using Our Free NYC G&T Diagnostic Test

Note: If your child gets 10/10 on our diagnostic test, congratulations! they're on the right track. Continue practicing to keep that knowledge strong and intact.

Sample Test Preview


Answer the following questions based on the images below:

[1] Look at the design in the large rectangle while paying attention to the missing square. Which answer choice completes the design?

[2] Look for a relationship between the figures across the rows and down the columns. The direction in which you examine the question should depend on where you can most easily visualize the analogous relationship.

[3] The chef has rolled pizza dough, spread tomato sauce, and placed toppings on the pizza. Which step is missing?


[1] The correct answer is D. Imagine continuing the two curves across the empty square. The right side of the outermost curve will be white. The right side of the next curve will be yellow and the left side of the curve will be blue. The only answer choice that conforms to these requirements is answer choice D.

[2] The correct answer is A. Look at the top row. The left figure is the mirror image of the right figure, flipped horizontally. It is helpful to focus on a specific part of the shape. For example, in the left frame, the top blue square appears in the left corner and in the right frame, the top blue square appears in the right corner. Now, look at the bottom row. The figures in the bottom row will follow the same rules. The figure on the right will be the mirror image of the figure on the left. The left figure contains a white circle over four squares: yellow in the top-left and bottom-right corners, and blue in the opposite corners. The figure on the right will also contain a white circle over the four squares. The difference will be that the yellow squares will be positioned in the top-right and bottom-left corners, and the blue squares will be positioned in the top-left and bottom-right corners. The correct answer is answer choice A. 

[3] The correct answer is A. The chef has rolled pizza dough, spread tomato sauce, and placed toppings on the pizza. In order to make pizza, the chef also needs to place the pizza in the oven.

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