NYC G&T 2nd Grade (Level C)

Third Grade G&T Gateway: Unlock Your Exceptional Learning Potential! 

Calling All Third Grade Achievers! New York City's Gifted & Talented Program Awaits Your Brilliance!

Have you consistently earned those impressive 3 and 4 marks on your report card? Your academic excellence opens the door to an extraordinary learning adventure!

Our Third Grade G&T Preparation Toolkit: Your Academic Superpower

Why Our Preparation Kit is Designed for Third Grade Champions:

  • Advanced Video Tutorials: 16 engaging lessons crafted specifically for curious 8 and 9-year-old minds
  • Challenge-Packed Learning: 420+ strategically designed questions that stretch your thinking skills
  • Cognitive Skill Builders: 14 targeted drills to elevate your reasoning and problem-solving abilities

NYC G&T Level C

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6 Month License for Complete Test Prep

  •  OLSAT and NNAT Video Academy - 16 tutorials
  • 420+ total questions, comprised of 2 full-length NYC G&T practice tests
  • Audio instructions available for some questions
  • 14 skill practice drills
  • Study guides for children and parent manuals
  • Thorough explanations and score reports

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About the NYC G&T Test Level C

NYC Gifted and Talented programs offer students higher learning at an accelerated rate. Due to the limited number of seats in these gifted programs, the NYC Department of Education developed the NYC Gifted and Talented Assessment as a way to assess giftedness in students. This test is used to determine eligibility for NYC Gifted and Talented programs for gifted children and is used as an admissions tool in a majority of New York City's 32 districts.

The NYC Gifted and Talented Test Level C is used for admission for third grade G&T programs in the city. Placing into an NYC Gifted and Talented program has become increasingly difficult. Spots in gifted programs are limited and competition for these seats has increased over the years. To even be eligible for a gifted program, children need to score at least in the 97th percentile. Under these current competitive circumstances, preparing for the NYC Gifted and Talented Test has become essential.

NYC G&T Test Format

The NYC Gifted and Talented Test Level C uses multiple choice questions from both the OLSAT and NNAT. The verbal section contains 30 questions based on the OLSAT verbal section, while the nonverbal section contains 48 questions based on the NNAT nonverbal section. Both sections account for exactly half of a child’s overall NYC Gifted and Talented score. See the table below for the specific question types that appear on the NYC Gifted and Talented Test Level C.

The questions on the verbal section will be read aloud once during the test, making it crucial for your child to be familiar with the test questions. While preparing for the NYC G&T Level C, the instructions for the verbal questions should be read aloud (once) to the child, as is done on the actual test. For your convenience, TestPrep-Online currently provides audio instructions for the following question types: Following Directions, Aural Reasoning, and Arithmetic Reasoning.

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With this membership, you will be able to create up to six separate practice accounts. This way, you can give each student an account of their own in which they can practice independently for their upcoming exam.

NYC G&T Level C Question Types

Verbal (OLSAT-8)Nonverbal (NNAT2)
Folliwing DirectionsPattern Completion
Aural ReasoningReasoning by Analogy
Arithmetic ReasoningSerial Reasoning
Spatial Visualization

NYC Gifted and Talented Test Prep

TestPrep-Online invites you to try our online test prep material for the NYC Gifted and Talented Test. Every study pack includes full-length sample tests, NNAT and OLSAT tutorial videos, hundreds of practice questions, and helpful tips and study guides. Our practice tests are specifically designed to be as realistic as possible, resembling the NYC Gifted and Talented Test in content, question type, and test length, to assure that your child is prepared for test day.