7th Grade STAAR Test

All seventh graders attending public schools in the State of Texas are required to take the 7th Grade STAAR Test. This test is designed to measure the student’s academic progress and standpoint. A strong STAAR score can open doors to an array of possibilities in the future, including exclusive academic programs and universities.

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About the 7th Grade STAAR Test

Students in 7th grade take three STAAR tests: Math, Writing, and Reading. Like the Sixth Grade STAAR Test, each section receives its own separate testing day.

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After completing the test, students' scores fall into one of the three performance standards: Level I: Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance Level III: Advanced Academic Performance.
Read more about the STAAR Performance Standards here.

7th Grade STAAR Math Test

The main goal of the 7th Grade STAAR Math Test is to evaluate the seventh grader’s knowledge of mathematical concepts taught during the academic year. For the seventh-grade curriculum this may include fractions, graph analysis, measurements, and specific number properties.

Math questions can take a longer time to solve. We recommend that you brush up on some of the topics, this includes remembering different definitions (in case for example of statistics), formulas (for perimeter, area, volume, and alike), basic operations with numbers, including: fractions with different denominators, simplifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions. Moreover, operating with decimals is just as important as knowing how to operate with fractions. Brush up on place value, different notations, and how to perform all the basic operations with decimals to be sure you have covered all the right topics.

Another important thing to practice is understanding graphs and charts. Information can be presented in many ways, and each graph expresses a different idea. The types of graph help you share results of surveys, measurements, and similar in different ways. However, you must be able to recognize these interpretations, be able to read the data, and draw conclusions from it in order to answer questions.

TestPrep-Online offers a variety of products, suitable to several different levels. Browse through our practice packs today.

7th Grade STAAR Writing Test

The 7th Grade STAAR Writing Test is designed to assess the student’s knowledge of factors such as syntax, grammar, and spelling. The exam itself contains four passages, with each passage being no more than 300-550 words long. The texts are followed by a series of questions.

All the exercises on the exam are multiple-choice; some require revision, while others require editing. There are about 17 questions altogether. In addition, there is a writing prompt at the end of the exam to test the seventh grader’s writing ability. Students that have nice habits like keeping a diary are sometimes very comfortable with this section of the test. However, those that have not had the opportunity to write much aside from school can also practice and become more familiar with the skill.

One of the key skills to practice before taking the test is the ability to spot mistakes in either spelling, grammar, or syntax. In order to do so, you need to have a good memory, excellent vocabulary, and brush up on the rules you have been learning since school. 

Editing is also another skill that requires practicing. This is not only identifying mistakes, but also understanding the ideas expressed in a sentence or paragraph. After spotting a mistake, changing a word, a sentence, or even a comma can change the meaning of a sentence. 

7th Grade STAAR Reading Test

The 7th Grade STAAR Reading Test assesses a student’s ability to actively read and interpret a text. The test contains six pieces of text from both fiction and non-fiction sources. Each text is no less than 500 words, and no more than 900. There is a total of 50 questions on the exam. Questions focus on factors such as theme, opinion, and purpose. By the seventh grade, students are expected to exhibit a more sophisticated level of analysis and should therefore be as prepared as possible by the day of the test.

Each person has a different way of understanding a passage and also a different reading speed. If you have another friend that is also taking the STAAR (perhaps from your class), you can try reading different passages together and explaining one another the ideas of the passage. That way, you can practice your comprehension, your ability to summarize, and also remember details of a passage. If you both read the same passage, try asking questions about it and discussing the possible answers.

7th Grade STAAR Practice

Feeling comfortable under testing conditions can help your child feel at ease on the day of the test. To help your seventh grader feel accustomed to a standardized testing format, we recommend our MAP 7th Grade Practice Pack, allowing your child to improve certain skills at a rate that works for him or her.