The CCAT is a test aimed at measuring cognitive abilities among kindergarten and school children. CCAT stands for "Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test," and as its name indicates, is used in Canada. The CCAT in Canada replaces the CogAT, which is mainly used in the United States. Yet, these two tests are almost identical. Many gifted and talented programs treat the CCAT score as an admission criterion. The CCAT is designed to measure a wide variety of cognitive abilities, which are grouped into three clusters or batteries: verbal, nonverbal, and quantitative. Due to its broad cover, the CCAT gives an opportunity to non-native English speakers to perform well on the test, by achieving a high score on the quantitative and nonverbal batteries.
In total, there are 176 questions on the grade 5 CCAT. As on each level of the CCAT, there are three batteries: Verbal, Nonverbal, and Quantitative. These batteries may be administered together or separately, depending on the needs and restrictions of the administering teacher and/or the school.
In our CCAT pack you will find full-length tests which precisely simulate the structure of the real CCAT. Note that the practice materials appear in the CogAT too as these tests are nearly identical. Each battery on the test is further divided into three sub-sections, the same way as it is on the real test:
The CCAT is a challenging test, especially in grade 5 where the level is significantly harder than in lower levels. The complexity appears in the form of larger numbers, richer vocabulary, and especially in the number of steps that are required for solving each question. Having said that, reaching a satisfying score is a feasible goal, with appropriate practice in advance. Here we present several guidelines which can help you prepare effectively for the CCAT.
It is important to leave yourself plenty of time for learning and revision. Start learning for the CCAT at least two weeks in advance. This way you will not be stressed out and you would be able to bring your potential to maximum.
When you sit and learn, make sure to remove potential distractions such as TV or mobile phones, and to keep your learning environment as quiet as possible. Try to be entirely focused on your studies and remind yourself your goal in taking the CCAT. It is also recommended to keep your desk clean and tidy, so you would be able to deal only with the relevant learning materials and not with other irrelevant stuff.
Even though it is important to devote enough time for practice and revision, taking breaks from time to time is equivalently important. Allow yourself to go out to breath some fresh air, to have fun with family and friends, and to think about other things rather than about the test only.
And finally, it is warmly recommended to drink enough water! It will refresh your mind and enable you to concentrate better.
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