English Test Practice

Begin your preparation for your upcoming English test. With TestPrep-Online's Basic English Pack, you can cover your basics and master tests on synonyms, spelling, and vocabulary. Start preparing today!

English Test Practice

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  • 2 English study guides 
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What Is In an English Placement Test?

An English Placement Test is used by a college or university to determine the level of English classes at which new students will begin their studies. Some colleges and universities use national, standardized exams such as the ACCUPLACER English test, while others create their own tests. A typical English Placement Test aims to measure your use and understanding of formal written English. Most tests will include a variety of question types, possibly including: sentence completion, vocabulary ability, rephrasing, synonym recognition, antonym recognition. Many English Placement Tests also include an essay which is scored based on development, organization, and mechanics.

A strong score on an English Placement Test can potentially allow a new student to save time and tuition money by placing out of remedial and introductory English classes. Students who succeed on an English Placement Test can begin their studies in higher-level courses that are more relevant to their interests

The reading and writing skills that are evaluated by an English Placement Test are essential to academic and career success across a variety of fields. Being able to reading critically and write clearly opens doors.

Regardless of what forms of questions you get on an English assessment test, it is important to do well, as this section plays a major role in determining whether or not you have the ability to express thoughts and ideas in both an academic and professional manner.

English Placement Test Practice Tips

The best way to improve your writing and grammar is to read as much formal English as you can. If you read books and articles about a range of subjects that interest you, you will subconsciously pick up the patterns of strong writing. For more practice, write summaries and responses to what you read and show them to friends, family members, teachers, or mentors. How do they respond to your writing? Are the main ideas of the original text clear to them? What do they think is clear and effective about your writing, and what do they think should be revised?

Read carefully. Remember: English assessment questions are designed to test your use of English as well as your understanding. Very often, a quick glance on a question leads to misunderstanding what it is you are being asked to do. English Placement Tests expect you to notice subtle differences in meaning between words and phrases. In order to recognize these differences, it is essential to pay attention.

Look up words you don't understand. During the English assessment test, you are almost certain to come across some form of vocabulary questions. The beauty of vocabulary is that you can practice it on an everyday basis- just keep an eye out for unfamiliar words, and look them up.

If you have studied other languages besides English, you can apply your skills back to English. There isn't usually direct correspondence between English grammar and other languages' grammar, but you can draw upon your skills in paying close attention, noticing patterns, and building vocabulary. 

Practice with sample questions! The best way to prepare for any form of testing is with questions based on that material. With our English Placement Test practice pack, you can prepare with a variety of English writing practice questions.

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English Placement Test Practice

Within almost any academic application process in America, there is an English Placement Test. A strong score on an English Placement test can mean direct qualification for specific courses, and, consequentially, a faster journey towards your academic and career-based goals.

To help you get a strong score, TestPrep-Online offers practice tools specifically designed to cover all relevant exam material. With hundreds of questions and detailed explanations to practice with, you are guaranteed to feel more confident, and more prepared. Topics covered by our practice tools include:

  • Punctuation & Capitalization
  • Sentence Restatement
  • Sentence Completion
  • Spelling
  • Written Communication
  • Vocabulary

English Placement Test Practice with TestPrep-Online

It is highly recommended to come prepared for any form of English placement testing. Practice will ensure comfort with the material, and will increase your confidence to the level needed to succeed.

TestPrep-Online now offers an English Placement Test practice pack, covering almost any type of question you can expect on an English assessment test. With English writing placement practice tests, questions, and guides, you are sure to feel confident expressing yourself in a clear, academic manner.

Got math and reading comprehension tests coming up too? Get our Basic Bundle Pack with over 1,200 questions and start improving your score today!