Free NWEA MAP Test Practice for 3rd Grade

The 3rd Grade MAP Test provides a crucial snapshot of your child's academic abilities. Widely used in schools, it helps determine their academic level.

This adaptive, untimed test aligns with common core standards and assesses math, reading, language, and sometimes science. Given three times a year, it helps track progress and is used in some admissions processes.

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3rd Grade MAP Test Sample Questions - Math

Let’s take a look at the Math test. Here you are asked 40-43 questions in the form of word problems, number problems, and interpreting visual stimuli (such as shapes and diagrams), usually with multiple-choice answers to choose from.

The questions choose from and blend between the following mathematic topics: number sense—the ability to express numbers with concrete representation (e.g. pizza pies, trains on a cart, etc.), problem-solving—including basic operations and fractions, algebraic concepts—such as finding patterns and solving operations with missing numbers (e.g. 5 + ? = 7), geometry—as in classifying shapes and their properties, identifying symmetry, etc., measurement—such as using a ruler and calculating perimeter, and data—analyzing charts and basic proportions. 

Question 1: Math - Algebraic concepts

Which number is missing from this sequence?

Map 3Rd Grade Q1





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The correct answer is (C).

To solve this problem, find the common difference between each pair of numbers next to each other in the sequence:

Map 3Rd Grade Q1 Ans

The common difference between each number in this sequence is -25. Therefore, the number missing from the sequence is:
675 – 25 = 650

Thus, the correct answer is (C).

Question 2: Math - Problem solving/proportions

Mary needs 300 grams of dough to bake one cake. To make 100 grams of dough, Mary needs two eggs. How many eggs does Mary need if she wants to bake three cakes?





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The correct answer is (A).

Solving this question requires you to understand proportional relationships, or ratios. You can write the first sentence as 300 grams dough : 1 cake. Thus, for three cakes, multiply both sides by three and conclude that 900 grams dough : 3 cakes. Mary can bake three cakes with 900 grams of dough. To make 100 grams of cake, Mary needs two eggs. Thus, you can write 100 grams dough : 2 eggs. Since you already know that Mary needs 900 grams of dough to bake three cakes, multiply both sides by nine to find the number of eggs needed for three cakes: 900 grams dough : 18 eggs. One may conclude that Mary needs 18 eggs to bake three cakes, and the correct answer is (A).

Try this tip for math word problems: 

Try to make the question into a math problem. Look for anything in the question that can be understood as a number or an operation. For example, “Tasha ate three apples a day for a week” can be written as 3 X 7. Make sure you are not leaving out any crucial information from the question. 

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Question 3: Math – Number sense/fractions

Select all the pictures that show


of a region or a set.







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The correct answers are (A), (C), (E), and (F) (from left to right).

In this question, you need to identify a third from a region or a set. Answers (B), (C), and (E) each show a set of objects. To determine if a third of the objects are circled, you must first count how many objects there are.

Answer (B) contains 12 objects. To find a third of 12, you must split this number into three equal groups. One way of doing this is to divide. 12 ÷ 3 = 4. So, there are three groups of four objects. In order to circle a third of the objects, you must circle four objects. Here, five objects are circled, so this option is incorrect. Hence, this answer choice can be eliminated.
Answer (C) contains nine objects in the set. Again, split the nine objects into three equal groups by dividing. 9 ÷ 3 = 3. So, a third of 9 is 3, and three objects should be circled, which they are.
Answer (E) contains 12 objects again. As before, a third of 12 is 4, as 12 ÷ 3 = 4, so four objects should be circled. There are four objects circled, so this is correct.

Answers (A), (D), and (F) show a region that is shaded in. To determine if a third of the shape is shaded in, you must first count how many regions the shape is split into.

Answer (A) contains three regions in the shape. To find a third of this, you must divide the number of regions by 3. 3 ÷ 3 = 1. This means a third of three is 1, so one region should be shaded in, which it is.
Answer (D) contains four regions. As 4 is not a multiple of 3, it cannot be divided by 3 to give a whole number. As only one region is shaded and this is a whole number, this answer cannot be correct.
Answer (F) contains six regions. So, divide 6 by 3. 6 ÷ 3 = 2. Thus, a third of 6 is 2, and two regions should be shaded in, which they are.

Therefore, the correct answers are (A), (C), (E), and (F).

Question 4: Math – Geometry/measurements


What is the perimeter of this rectangle?






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The correct answer is (C). To find the perimeter, you must add up the lengths of all the four sides of the rectangle. Only two of the lengths are marked but as opposite sides of a rectangle are equal then you know that the two other sides have lengths 7 and 3 also.To find the perimeter, you can now add up all the sides:7 + 3 + 7 + 3 = 20 inches.Instead, you can double each of the marked sides and add those together to get the same result:(2 × 7) + (2 × 3) = 14 + 6 = 20 inches. Therefore, the correct answer is (C).

Here’s a tip for math problems with shapes:  

Go over the various names, properties, and formulas for different shapes. For example, the name of each shape based on the number of sides (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon) and how to find their perimeter, and the name of each four-sided shape based on its lines and angles (square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus) and how to solve for their area.

3rd Grade MAP Test Sample Questions - Reading

Now let’s have a look at the Reading test, which aims to assess your ability to read, comprehend, and analyze written text. In this exam, you are often presented with something to read, such as single sentences, lists, charts, passages from text, and more, and you must answer questions, usually multiple-choice, that prove that you understood them. There are 40-43 questions that alternate between analyzing literary texts (such as stories, dialogue, or poems) and literature concepts, analyzing informational texts (such as articles, data, or instructions), and simply asking you about the meanings of words.  

Question 5: Reading - Literary text

Read the passage.

The pouring rain finally stopped, and the sailor spotted the lighthouse in the distance. The terrible weather conditions turned her journey into a dangerous experience. Her rocky boat stopped shaking as the wind settled. She wrapped another wool blanket around her soaked clothes, hoping it would keep her warm. She was getting closer to the lighthouse. The sailor was pleased to find that the lighthouse emitted two flashes of light every three seconds. This meant that she was on her way to the right lighthouse. She was not lost. A half an hour later she reached the shore. The lighthouse keeper was waiting for her there to guide her to his cabin, where a burning fireplace and a cup of tea were meant to keep her warm.

What is the best title for this passage?





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The correct answer is (B).The best title for this passage must include the central idea that is presented throughout it. The passage opens with the difficult journey of a sailor during a storm, which then turns into a successful journey as she spots a lighthouse and reaches the shore. Therefore, the correct answer is (B).Answer (A) is incorrect because the passage does not focus on the lighthouse keeper. He is only a character in the story that is mentioned at the end. Answer (C) is incorrect because this title is too general for the passage. It does not include the central plot—the sailor and her journey.Answer (D) is incorrect because the passage does not generally present the sailor's life, but rather focuses on a specific journey of hers.

Try this tip for answering questions on full passages: 

When the text is long, it may be better to read the question before reading the passage. That way, you can read it with the question in mind and look for the information it is asking for or the criteria required to draw your conclusion. However, since the test is not timed, it is always a good idea to read the entire passage to ensure you are not missing anything. 

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Question 6: Reading – Informational text

Read the sentences about four animals.

  1. Polar bears have white fur coats that can blend into the blindingly white snow of the Arctic.
  2. Whether their coats are spotted or black, leopards can mask themselves in order to attack their prey by surprise.
  3. In order to hide in the middle of nature's birdhouses, bark bugs appear to be part of the tree itself.
  4. Chameleons only change color when in imminent danger.

What do all these animals have in common?





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The correct answer is (C).

Based on the sentences, these four animals are able to mask themselves. Polar bears can blend into the snow, leopards can mask themselves, bark bugs appear to be part of the tree in order to hide, and chameleons change color when in imminent danger. Therefore, the correct answer is (C). Answer (A) is incorrect because, based on the sentences, only polar bears live in the Arctic. Answer (B) is incorrect because, based on the sentences, only the leopard is a predator. Even though this answer choice may seem correct since most animals prey on other animals in order to feed, this information is not mentioned in the above sentences. Answer (D) is incorrect because only the polar bears' and leopards' fur colors are mentioned in the sentences and they differ from each other—the polar bears' fur is white and the leopards' fur is spotted or black.

Here’s a tip for answering questions with multiple texts: 

When you are presented with more than one thing to read, use the question as a key to understanding what connects them. If the question asks for what they have in common, make sure your answer fits each text properly. If the question asks for differences between them, start with what they have in common, and their differences will become very apparent.

If the question asks for a connection of any kind, look for central themes and common purposes rather than trivial information. For example, if you are given a text about a class activity where each student presented his favorite animal, along with a chart that details the most common pets, the connection is likely to be the theme of which animals are popular, and not a random animal that appears in both texts but is not significant in each one. 

Question 7: Reading – Word meaning

Read the sentence.

The walk from the train station to her house was long, so Madison was grateful for David's company.

What is the meaning of the word "company" based on the context of this sentence?





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The correct answer is (B).

Note that all the meanings of the word "company" above are correct in general, but only one meaning is specifically correct when it is based on the context of the sentences in the question. Madison was grateful that David was with her and escorted her on the long walk to her house. Therefore, the correct answer based on the context of the sentence is answer (B).Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because they refer to a group of people who are united together or to a number of people who have a certain connection.Answer (D) is incorrect because it refers to someone or some people you are hosting in your house.The correct answer is (B).Note that all the meanings of the word "company" above are correct in general, but only one meaning is specifically correct when it is based on the context of the sentences in the question. Madison was grateful that David was with her and escorted her on the long walk to her house. Therefore, the correct answer based on the context of the sentence is answer (B).Answers (A) and (C) are incorrect because they refer to a group of people who are united together or to a number of people who have a certain connection.Answer (D) is incorrect because it refers to someone or some people you are hosting in your house.

3rd Grade MAP Test Sample Questions - Language Usage

The last subject we will explore is Language Usage. This test consists of 40-43 questions that usually ask you to select from multiple options or fill in a short answer, and it is aimed to assess knowledge of the English language as well as the ability to use it properly.

This section asks questions about language mechanics—including punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, parts of speech—using the right words and in the proper tenses within given contexts, usage (or syntax)—how to form coherent sentences with the intended meaning, and writing process—how to properly form bodies of writing with specific purposes in mind. 

Question 8: Language Usage – Mechanics

In which sentence is the underlined word spelled correctly?





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The correct answer is (A).

Nouns ending with –ch, -s, -sh, -x, and –z form the plural by adding "es" to the end of the word. For example: fox -> foxes.However, note that when the –ch is pronounced as a /k/ sound, you only need to add "s" to the end of the word to form a plural. For example: stomach -> stomachs.The only sentence in which the underlined word is spelled correctly is in answer (A). Therefore, the correct answer is (A).

Answer (B) is incorrect because the word "toolboxs" should be toolboxes.Answer (C) is incorrect because the word "monarches" should be monarchs. The –ch in this word is pronounced as a /k/ sound, so you only need to add one "s" to the end of the word to form a plural.

Answer (D) is incorrect because the word "quizes" should be quizzes. One-syllable singular words that end with "s" or "z" form the plural by doubling the last letter of the singular word and adding -es.

Try this tip while preparing for the mechanics questions: 

Look up common words at the 3rd-grade level and go over their spelling. You can’t prepare for every word they may ask you, so don’t stress yourself out too much. However, you can make sure you know the spelling rules for word forms and tenses, such as when plural nouns and present-singular verbs end with “s” and when they end with “es.” It is also worthwhile to look up common exceptions to these rules, as the MAP also tests you on irregular spelling, such as “catch” and “caught.” 

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Question 9: Language Usage – Parts of speech

Read the sentence.

She had already ______ to eat the sandwich when they sat at the table.

Which word correctly completes the sentence?





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The correct answer is (A).

The sentence is written in past participle tense. A past participle indicates a past or completed action or time. The words "had" and "when" imply that the sentence is written in past participle.The past participle form of the word "begin" is begun. Begun must always have a helping verb to be correct. In this case, the helping verb is "had." Therefore, the correct answer is (A).Answer (B) is incorrect as the verb "began" is in past simple tense. Additionally, began is not used with any helping verb.Answers (C) and (D) are incorrect because these verbs are in present tense.

Question 10: Language Usage – Usage (syntax)

Which of the following sentences is structured correctly?





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The correct answer is (A).

The way in which words and punctuation are used and arranged to form sentences is called syntax. Syntax is also known as the study of the rules that must be followed to create well-formed phrases, clauses, and sentences.The foundation of each sentence in the English language is the subject and the predicate. The subject is the word or a group of words functioning as a noun that the sentence tells us something about, and the predicate is the verb and possibly also objects and modifiers of that verb that tell us something about the subject.The correct subject in the sentence is "the members of the school's football team," as that is whom the sentence is talking about, and the correct predicate is "were very competitive" because that is what the sentence tells us about the subject. The only sentence that follows the correct structure that establishes a subject and tells us something about it in the predicate is answer (A). Therefore, the correct answer is (A).Answers (B), (C), and (D) all form irrational sentences that don't mean anything coherent.

Here’s a tip for questions that ask you which sentence is correct, or how to best complete it: 

Listen to your intuition. Sometimes you’ll just know that some of the options are wrong even if you can’t explain why. If there are multiple options that sound right to you, look to see if there’s punctuation missing or in the wrong place, if the verbs don’t stay in the same tense, or if the meaning of the sentence isn’t as clear as it can be. 

Question 11: Language Usage – Writing process

Read the paragraph.

There are fewer than 60 Javan rhinoceros remaining in the world. There is only one known population of the Javan rhinoceros in the wild, located in the island of Java, Indonesia. Loss of habitats and trophy hunting for its horns are the main causes for the serious decline in its numbers.

Which of the following sentences could be a strong concluding sentence for the paragraph?





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The correct answer is (C).

A concluding sentence is the last sentence of a segment of writing that serves to bring closure to a paragraph. The reader should be able to identify what the main points are based on the concluding sentence. It should generally not include any new information, unless it is simply emphasizing what has already been said in a way that concludes the topic.The concluding sentence can restate the topic sentence in a way that brings the topic to a close, or sum up all of the important information discussed.The sentence in answer (C) reiterates the point in a new way that shows how everything stated previously leads towards that conclusion. Thus, the correct answer is (C).Answer (A) is incorrect as it does not refer to the main idea at all and adds new irrelevant information that was not discussed in the paragraph. The topic was not endangered animals in general, but rather specifically the Javan rhino.Answer (B) is incorrect as it refers only to a supporting detail in the paragraph, and simply restates the previous sentence, while a concluding sentence should refer to the main idea of the paragraph. Additionally, this conclusion cannot even be drawn because there was another factor discussed--the habitat--and we have have no reason to believe that this is any less important than the poaching.Answer (D) is incorrect as it adds new and irrelevant information that was not discussed in the paragraph.

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NWEA 3rd Grade MAP Test Aligned with the Common Core

As the Common Core becomes more widespread across schools in the United States, many standardized and gifted tests are adapting to its standards. The MAP test for 3rd grade is no exception. For this reason, TestPrep-Online has developed practice tests that follow MAP's Common Core scheme. With our 3rd Grade MAP practice pack, you can ensure that your third grader is exposed to all the topics aligned with the Common Core, and is getting top-notch practice for the test.

9 Tips to Help your Child Ace the 3rd Grade MAP Test

Before the test:

  • Make a study plan. Once you’ve taken our initial sample test, create a hierarchy of things to study based on where your child’s strengths and weaknesses lie.
  • Stick to a routine. Help your child stay focused. Keep a fixed routine by scheduling the same time every day for studying. This keeps your child mentally prepared.
  • Keep your child motivated. Add fun activities to the study plan to help keep your child excited about the learning process. Sitting at a desk is beneficial only for a short time before it becomes tiresome. We recommend the question game, in which you encourage your child to ask a specific number of questions every day with the promise of a reward at the end.
  • Be positive. A negative attitude can be contagious- but so can a positive one! By being visibly excited about the subject at hand, your child is bound to be, too!

Day of the Test:

  • Review- don’t learn. At this stage, you’ve hopefully already covered a good deal of new information. It is therefore not recommended to start learning anything new, as this can hinder your child from utilizing the material s/he has already learned and feels more comfortable with, and getting the optimal scores s/he deserves.
  • Bring snacks. It’s hard to focus on an empty stomach; we recommend avoiding this issue by packing a variety of healthy energy sources for your child to nibble on during the exam. Who knows? That extra push could make a difference between a right answer and a wrong one.
  • Come in layers. Your child can get distracted if the room is too cold or too warm. Avoid this issue by having your child dress in lightweight clothes and bring a sweater to the test which will allow them to be comfortable no matter what the temperature may be.
  • Use the idea of a “participation reward”. Your child may be feeling under pressure before the test. Try to erase this feeling by bringing an incentive that is more direct- perhaps a treat after the test is finished, no matter what grades your child ends up receiving.
  • Come early. Leave home early to allow time to find the location and manage mishaps that might occur on the way such as not being able to find the location or getting caught in traffic. In addition, it will give you the opportunity to provide your child with that much needed pep-talk.


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MAP Testing Practice for 3rd Grade

Get more 3rd Grade MAP Sample questions with TestPrep-Online’s 3rd Grade MAP Practice Pack! Our pack offers 804 sample questions, including section-specific practice tests, so that you and your child can easily focus on one skill at a time, if necessary.

Despite being a standardized test, a child can—and should—prepare for the MAP test beforehand, since MAP testing scores can be a deciding factor for placement in either regular or gifted classes. To help you prepare, TestPrep-Online offers a full 3rd Grade MAP test practice pack.