Discover Health Occupation Readiness Test Preparation

If the nursing field is where you belong, chances are you'll come across the Discover Health Occupation Readiness Test. To help you prepare, TestPrep-Online offers practice packs for the ATI TEAS, one of the most used nursing admission exams in the country!

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About ATI Discover Test

The Discover Health Occupation Readiness Test (Discover) was developed by ATI as a predictor of success throughout the educational process of both the Practical Nurse and Registered Nurse. The Discover test, like the HOBET V, is a thorough test with wide-ranging job-related topics. You can successfully prepare for the Discover test through study tools such as practice tests with question & answer analysis.

Discover Test Format & Content

The Discover Health Occupation Readiness test consists of 75 multiple choice questions with a time limit of 105 minutes. There are four sections within Discover test:

Since science is the prevalent subject matter of nursing, the test focuses the greatest depth of knowledge in that topic.

Reading Section

The Reading Section of the Discover test is composed of two subsections:

  • Paragraph & Passage Comprehension – You will find 10 questions in the reading comprehension portion of the section. The items require the recall of information, analysis, summary or conclusion; all based solely on the information presented in the passage. You may also be requested to determine whether a statement in the paragraph is based on fact, bias, opinion or stereotype. Expect an item requiring you to identify how different cultures express similar ideas.
  • Informational Source Comprehension – This part of the Reading Section is comprised of 11 questions. The items in Informational Source Comprehension vary greatly. At least one question involves the application of ingredients and directions on a label in order to determine the most appropriate product for the stated purpose. Expect to identify the appropriate source to find specific information. Word definitions, graphs, scale readings from measuring instruments, map legends and the use of an index and table of contents all come into play at various items.

Mathematics Section

There are four subsections within the Discover Mathematics Section:

  • Numbers & Operations – Containing 10 questions, the Numbers & Operations portion covers a large range of computational items, such as: Percent, fraction and decimal conversions; multiplication with decimals; percentages; word problems; math reasoning; division and addition of fractions; ratios; grouping of numbers; estimating; Roman numerals; reconciling a bank account; and order of operations.
  • Algebraic Applications – There are two questions in this subsection. Expect to solve an inequality or an equation with one unknown. You may also be asked to translate word phrases into mathematical operations.
  • Data Interpretation – This subsection contains only one item, which may involve the use of charts, tables and graphs, or the determination of independent/dependent variables of a presented set of data.
  • Measurement – Expect two questions, one involving conversion between measurement scales, and another item concerning either estimation or the measurement of length, weight, height and volume of a given object.

Science Section

You will find four parts in the Discover Science Section:

  • Human Body Science – There are five questions involving the functions of the various systems such as the circulatory systems. Expect some items concerning birth rates, fertility rates and the general anatomy of the human body.
  • Life Sciences – You will find eight items concerning topics such as cells, natural selection, biological classification, mitosis, photosynthesis/respiration, nucleic acid including RNA and DNA, chromosomes, genes, proteins and Mendel’s law of genetics.
  • Earth and Physical Sciences – This subsection contains seven questions. The topics include the sun; chemical reactions; catalysts; enzymes; pH; water; atoms and molecules; Periodic Table of Elements; and gases, liquids and solids.
  • Scientific Reasoning – The four items in the Scientific Reasoning subsection of the test involves research, logic and evidence, alternate hypotheses, and reasons for conducting research.

English & Language Usage Section

This section of the Discover test is divided into three parts:

  • Grammar & Word Meanings in Context – You can expect to find eight items in this subsection, covering noun/verb and pronoun/antecedent agreement; parts of speech; identification of the meaning of words based on the context of specific written material, or based on the structure of the word and its root.
  • Spelling and Punctuation – There are four questions in the Spelling and Punctuation subsection, involving the correction of misspelled words, capitalization and punctuation marks such as quotation marks and apostrophes.
  • Structures – This subsection contains three items concerning sentence fluency; organizing logical paragraphs; and identifying, correcting or completing specific sentences.

Preparing for ATI Discover Test

ATI Discover Health Occupation Readiness Test is considered a high-stakes exam, as it weighs heavily on your selection as a nursing student. It is well worth your time and effort to practice on Discover sample tests until you feel comfortable with the subject matter and types of questions that you will face on the real exam. TestPrep-Online is developing a program that includes Discover practice tests with Q & A analysis, study guide and exam strategies. We also currently offer college-level math and English sample questions to give you a head start in your prepping process.