Free OLSAT Level E Sample Test (4th-5th Grade)

Get a free OLSAT Level E Diagnostic Test, that contains 10 questions, and get a better understanding of where your child should start in their preparation process.

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Sample Test Preview

Here's a look at what you can expect on our sample tests.

[1] Read the question to yourself and mark the answer. What is the correct answer?

[2] Read the question to yourself and mark the correct answer.

[3] The numbers in the box go together in a certain way. Choose the number that goes where you see the question mark.


[1] Choice 1; The correct answer is 3. If Alice gives all but 3 kittens to Alex then that means that she keeps 3 kittens and gives the rest to Alex. Since we are asked how many kittens Alice has (and not Alex), the correct response should be 3 (not 12).

[2] Choice 5; The correct answer is "All poodles are mammals".

With this type of question, it's helpful to make a Venn Diagram:

Red: Mammals
Blue: Dogs
Green: Poodles

The "X" on the diagram marks the correct answer: "All poodles are mammals".
Another way of solving this question is to break down each of the original statements. Since "All poodles are dogs", and "All dogs are mammals", it is easy to see that all poodles are mammals.

[3] Choice 2; The correct answer is 27. Across a row, first 5 is subtracted from the number in the first column to get the number in the second column. Then 3 is added to get the number in the third column (-5, +3).

In the first row we have: 21 – 5 = 16 and then 16 + 3 = 19. In the second row we have: 25 – 5 = 20 and then 20 + 3 = 23. Down a column, first 4 is added to the number in the first row to get the number in the second row.

Then 4 is added again to get the number in the third row (+4, +4). In the first column we have: 21 + 4 = 25 and then 25 + 4 = 29.

In the second column we have: 16 + 4 = 20 and then 20 + 4 = 24. In the third row (and third column) we are missing the last number, therefore, across the third row: since 3 is added to the number in the second column to get the number in the third column, and the number in the second column is 24, we have: 24 + 3 = 27; And down the third column: since 4 is added to the number in the second row to get the number in the third row, and the number in the second row is 23 we have: 23 + 4 = 27 as well.

Therefore, 27 is the correct answer.

Tips for Strengthening OLSAT Scores

  • Work on your child's study habits. Building a study routine together will help your child know what to do next and become more independent. Praise good study habits, such as studying before a leisure activity, not after. Remember positive feedback always gets better results than negative feedback.
  • Help your child learn how to work individually. While it is important that you be available should your child require help, your child needs to learn how to work alone, because you will not be there during the real test. Therefore, it is recommended to go through the first questions of each type with the child, make sure he or she understands the instructions, then leave and only be available for questions.
  • Remind your child to read the explanations. Our website offers a fully-detailed explanation for each and every question. Make sure your child reads every explanation thoroughly before asking for your help. Even if your child answers a question correctly, it is still important to read the explanation, since the theory and small details might help in future questions.
  • Encourage your child to focus on his or her weaknesses. It is necessary, however, to dedicate an extra amount of time to topics your child is having difficulties with, because practice makes perfect! Your child might want to avoid those topics he or she finds difficult, but it is important to encourage him or her to focus on them, as this is the way to improve.
  • Do not skip topics. Even topics your child finds easy are important to practice, since more difficult questions might come up on the test. It is highly recommended to go through all the questions in the pack and read all the explanations.
  • Provide your child with nutritious food. Nutritious food is our fuel and no one can function as well without it. Students achieve better results when eating well. Therefore, make sure your child has healthy, nutritious meals, especially in the morning and before the test.

Need Additional Practice?

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  • Level specific, full-length practice tests
  • Hundreds of practice questions
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